Articles & Research

Published Articles
You can read my recent articles on a number of subjects just by clicking one of the buttons below:
Chronic Illness Regrets Living with ADHD Relationships
Research Projects
In the last few years I’ve been lucky enough to contribute to three very interesting research projects within the NHS – 

D-STRESS - King's College NIHR study led by Professor Jackie Sturt, looking at type 1 Diabetes Distress - starting July 2024, Co-investigator

Psychology of Recurrent DKA
In depth psychological evaulation of patients with type 1 diabetes who suffer recurrent DKA’.
- Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Trust with Kings College Psychiatry & Diabetes, Co-Investigator 2017-18

Transition from Paediatric Services to Adult Services
"How can health services contribute most effectively to facilitating successful transition of young people with complex health needs from childhood to adulthood?".
- Newcastle University and NIHR Research Associate 2012-6
Find out more about the Transition research project

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